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To be a focal point for effective and efficient training, research and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of finance, accounting, business administration, economics, management sciences, travel, tourism and hospitality which has a zeal to provide the value driven platform for the students to acquire knowledge and empower themselves to shoulder higher responsibility in building a strong world.


To strive consistently to provide quality education in finance, accounting, business administration, economics, management sciences, travel, tourism and hospitality in keeping in pace with time technology and to integrate the intellectual, spiritual, ethical and social development of the students for shaping them into dynamic professionals.

Quality objectives

. To train human resource that will contribute to overall national and global development in both public and private sector.

2. To graduate at least one hundred postgraduate students, eight hundred undergraduate students, one hundred diploma students and fifty certificate students every academic year.

3. To enhance lecture room performance by providing clear guidelines on course content delivery on semester basis.

4. To facilitate staff capacity development through recommendation for training and scholarship opportunities for at least two staffs per year.

5. To promote the culture of scholarly writing so as to attain one publication per quarter.

6. To participate in at least one community outreach service and/or business and economics consultancy annually.


The School of Business and Economics was established in the year 2011. Formerly a department within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, continued growth in activities and student enrolment into various programmes heralded a new dawn that saw the birth of the school.

It has five departments namely; Department of Accounting and Finance, Department of Marketing and Management, Department of Management Science, Department of  Eco-Tourism, Hotel and Institution Management (ECOHIM) and Department of Economics. Through these departments, various programmes are offered.