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Submitted by admin on 11 January 2021

Doctor of Philosophy in Management Information Systems that we offer provides a platform for interrogation of management information systems theories, concepts, and practices while recognizing its interplay with other disciplines such as Business Information Technology and Management. The programme grounds application of scientific approaches to test management information systems phenomena. It encourages a learner-driven and active participation approach. The programme considers how people, processes, and structures interrelate.

Submitted by admin on 11 January 2021

The Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT) Programme is geared towards equipping graduates with sufficient knowledge in business management skills and skills in Information Technology. It combines the key aspects of Information Technology (covering areas such as software development, communications, and networking, security, systems analysis, databases, etc.) with the key facets of business such as accounting, finance, economics, management, marketing, human resources, and operations management.

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