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Masters in Business Administration Programme, which is firmly grounded in business principles, is designed to enable students to understand and critically evaluate the business world and enhance capacity in informed policy options for effective business management.  In addition, the programme is meant to develop a reputation for inspired graduates with confidence, flexibility, intellectual curiosity and resourcefulness.



The Maseno University regulations shall apply.

Applicants with any of the following qualifications shall be considered for admission:

First Class in the first degree or Second Class Honours (Upper Division) of Maseno University.

Holders of a first degree from an accredited University and recognized by Maseno University Senate as equivalent to a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours degree of Maseno Univesity.

Holders of Lower Second Class Honours degree of Maseno University or of a recognized University who in addition to the degree, have a post-graduate  qualification such as a diploma in a relevant field, or have post-graduate Research experience as evidenced by at least one published paper in a refereed journal or Technical reports and patent documents, or two years working experience in a relevant field


The duration of the programme shall normally be two academic years from the date of registration.


The MBA degree programme shall be by coursework for three semesters and one semester for the project.

The first-year courses shall consist of foundation units which shall be compulsory and the remainder shall be chosen in order to provide specialization in one of the following Nine Options:   Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource and Development Management, Operations Management, Strategic Management, Procurement and Supplies Management, Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development and Management Information Systems


The Maseno University Regulations shall apply.

There shall be a three (3) hour written examination paper for each course unit taught.

The final written examination and Continuous Assessment Tests shall account for 60% and 40%, respectively of the final mark

The pass mark in every prescribed course unit shall be 50%.

Mba course units are distributed as follows:


First Year - Semester 1   

Management Information Systems

Managerial Economics 

Financial Accounting

Quantitative Methods

Management Principles and Practice 


Electives (Any One)

Organizational Behaviour 

Management Science

Operations Management


First Year - Semester   II

Research Methods  

Strategic Management

Marketing Management

Financial Management

Human Resource Management 

Electives (Any One)

Management Accounting

Management Control Systems



Second Year-         Semester1

Accounting  Specialization

Prerequisite MBA 810: Management Accounting

Core Courses:

Advanced Financial Accounting

Auditing and Investigation

Tax Planning and Management

Accounting Seminar


Finance Specialization

Prerequisite MBA 810: Management Accounting

Core  Courses:

Security Analysis and Valuation

Corporate Finance

International Finance

Finance Seminar

Strategic Management Specialization

Prerequisite MBA 808: Strategic Management

Core Courses

Advanced Strategic Management 

Global Strategic Management

Management of Strategic Change

Strategic Management Seminar                         

Marketing Specialization

Prerequisite MBA 809: Marketing Management

Core  Courses:


Consumer Behaviour

Marketing  Research 

Marketing Strategy and Policy

Marketing Seminar 

Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development Specialization

Core Courses

Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

Small Enterprise Development 

Strategic Small Business Management

Entrepreneurship Seminar


Human Resource Management and Development Specialization

Prerequisite MBA 812: Human Resource Management

Core  Courses:

Industrial Relations

Employee Procurement and Development

Employee Compensation 

Human Resource Management Seminar                                      

Operations  Management Specialization

Core  Courses:

Production and Operations Management

Project Management 

Operations Research

Operations Management Seminar


Procurement and Supplies Management Specialization

Core Courses

Inventory Management

Strategic Supply Chain Management

Risk Management and Supply Chain Vulnerability

Procurement and Supplies Management Seminar


Management Information Systems (MIS) Specialization

Core Courses

Management Information Systems 

Information Systems Security and Ethical Issues

System Applications

Management Information Systems Seminar


Research Proposal                                                                 


Project Writing 

Thesis Writing